DC Decorating has been delivering beautiful residential decorating for decades. Our reputation has been achieved through our thorough attention to detail in every stage of work and the meticulous quality control we have on every project. In fact, no job is complete until its checked and approved by one of our decorating supervisors.
Interior Painting & Decorating
Residential painting and decorating is our core service, and we have many years of experience. No matter the choices in colour or the shape of the room, our painters and decorators know to make the most out of each and every room we decorate.
We come fully equipped with the best tools to ensure that your paint is smoothly and evenly distributed on all surfaces. We use traditional rollers and brushes and our preparation work guarantees long lasting results every time we paint a surface. All wallpapering is done with great care to ensure the finishing look is of the highest standard.
External Painting
We provide exterior painting and decorating services for residential and commercial properties. We use high quality paints in a variety of different colours, producing a long lasting effect and fresh new feel.
Keeping a good coat of paint, stain or preservatives on exterior surfaces is essential property maintenance. In addition, most sources cite that good fresh exterior painting treatments as one of the best investments you can make in getting a house ready to sell or just to enhance it’s overall look.